My Projects

Efficient labelling of Cats vs Dogs.
In this project, i Use Adaboost algorithm to train many weak learners(shallow NN) using active learning to label images containing cats and dogs.

Generative networks(generating superheroes using deep learning).
Through this project, I try to use classic and wasserstein gan to generate superhero images.

Simulator for visualization of cpu scheduling algorithms
I wrote this program for simulating different kinds of non preemptive scheduling algorithms like Rate Monotonic and Earliest Deadline First. There is also a basic round robin algorithm. All the algorithms have some sort of tunable parameters. In cases, where there is no deadline these processes are repeated over and over again.

Policy gradients(teaching a bot to play atari games).
This process uses one of the most famous reinforcement learning algorithm- the policy gradients algorithm toplay atari games using just the raw pixels.

SeeThings, Shazam for things.
" what if i told you there is an app in the market"
-jian yang

charRNN(generating rick n morty subtitles via machine learning).
This Project aims to use character level LSTM to generate characters for a given sequence given previous characters in a text file.

Path Finding Algorithms(greedy and heuristics).
This project uses 2 algorithms for finding a path between a source and a destination, namely dijkstra's and astar algorithm, both of which rely on different algorithms to predict or find the path

qlearning(Playing frozen lake via qlearning).
This project implements a type of reinforcement learning- q learning which uses a Qtable and a dynamic algorithm, the bellman algorithm for calculating the transitional probabbilities for moving from one state to another based on the values for Qtable.

Face2Emoji(classifying facial emotions using pretrained networks).
This app tries demonstrated how a pretrained convolutional network can be retrained for classifying facial emotions in real time and how to integrate it to one's application.